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UNREAL running on a Cyrix 80486 133MHZ Part 1
UNREAL running on a Cyrix 80486 133MHZ ATI MACH 64 Part 2
UNREAL running on a Cyrix 80486 133MHZ PowerVR Part 3
Doom95 on the Cyrix MediaGX 133mhz
386/486 Hybrid Overview & 386 Face-off
Cyrix Samarai
How Noudar 486 was supposed to run
Socket 7 Showdown
Failed 586 Build
Cyrix MediaGX Runs DOSBench - Doom, Quake, SysBench and More
Cyrix 486DRx2-66 Revisited Against 80386DX-40. It works!
Cyrix 233 MHz (3.5x66 MHz) tested in Quake1, Quake2, and Unreal running under Win98 and WinXp.